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The National Crash Register has been established and is now fully functional. It is available countrywide via the Road Traffic Management Corporation’s National Traffic Information System’s online services portal (eNaTIS).


This enables you to report a minor damage vehicle crash online, and receive the necessary crash report number automatically, without having to report it to your nearest SA Police Service (SAPS) station. Currently, only accidents that involve four or less vehicles can be reported via the system. All crashes involving five or more vehicles or those that cause injuries and/or death or a hit-and-run must be reported to your nearest SAPS station immediately. 


  • After reporting the minor-damage crash, you will receive an SMS and email as confirmation of reporting the crash. 

  • The system will generate a crash report number that you can use to log an insurance claim. 

  • All crashes must still be reported within 24 hours or the next working day. 

  • Crashes that caused injuries and/or death, or involved a hit-and-run accident, must be reported immediately to the nearest SAPS station, as required by law. 

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